Express buses for commuters to be launched
Two express bus lines for commutersare to be launchednext Monday. The two lines, named Commute Express Bus 1 (Shanglü Mansion-Ascendas iHub) and Commute Express Bus 2 (Guanduli Overpass-Ascendas iHub), will only run on weekdays.
Commute Express Bus 1
The whole trip will take about 30 minutes. The bus will stop by Xinghujie Station of Suzhou Rail Transit Line 1.
Stops:From Shanglü Mansion toAscendas iHub:Shanglü Mansion, Creative Industrial Park, bioBAY,Ascendas iHub
From Ascendas iHub to SIP Administrative Center West:Ascendas iHub,bioBAY, Creative Industrial Park,SIP Administrative Center West
Departure Time:Shanglü Mansion (south side): 8:15 a.m., 8:25 a.m., 8:45 a.m.; Ascendas iHub (east side): 5:40 p.m., 5:55 p.m.
Commute Express Bus 2
The whole trip will take about 45 minutes. The bus will stop by Donghuanlu Station of Suzhou Rail Transit Line 1 (at 7:50 a.m. and 8:05 a.m.) and Ligongdi South Stationof Suzhou Rail Transit Line 5 (at 8:05 a.m. and 8:20 a.m.).
Stops:Guanduli Overpass (East China Electric Appliance City), Su"an Xincun, Xiangmen Xincun, Xujiabang, Ligongdi South, Creative Industrial Park, bioBAY, Ascendas iHub
Departure Time:Guanduli Overpass (East China Electric Appliance City, south side): 7:40 a.m., 7:55 a.m.; Ascendas iHub (east side): 5:40 p.m.
Compared with regular buses, the express buses willsave travel time by 20 to 30 minutes. The buses are all 31-seat electric buses with soft seats and air conditioning and are less than three years old. They are steady, green and low-carbon, and aimed at providing a quiet and comfortable ambiance for travelers. The fare is 3 yuan and with the transit card, each trip only costs 1.8 yuan.
Express buses for commuters to be launched
TwoexpressbuslinesforcommutersaretobelaunchednextMonday Thetwolines,
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